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radio beacon receiver造句

"radio beacon receiver"是什么意思  
  • Its avionics include a Polyot-1 automatic flight control system ( a " super autopilot, " able to be programmed with a set route which it can fly without human intervention but under constant flight crew monitoring; ICAO Cat . 1 approaches standard, Cat . 2 optional ), Doppler navigational radar replaced by triplex INSS ( Inertial Navigation System Sets ) on Il-62M after 1978 and by GPS ( Global Positioning System ) navigation sets on many aircraft after 1991, triple VHF and HF flightdeck radios, automatic direction finders, Soviet and Western instrument landing system receivers, vertical omnidirectional radio range and radio beacon receivers, duplex radio altimeters, automatic radio transponders, a full ICAO-standard navigation lights fit, cabin tannoy and intercom systems.
  • It's difficult to see radio beacon receiver in a sentence. 用radio beacon receiver造句挺难的
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